So, now deciding on a complex looping layout, I was now time to put that idea into a plan.
The first change I made was to cut the Noch layout into 3 tracks rather than 4. This would cut down on points (expensive), track and bridges. Also, the need to run four trains at once is not very important.
Originally, I was going to use an old door. It was the right length (about 2400), but was only 820 wide. This width was too narrow, and didn't allow for wider turns, which would limit the complexity.
The length of 2400 also allowed me to have some extra area on the left. This will have a small lake with the double line crossing the lake with a bridge.
So this will be a tall complex layout, with tight turns. The tight radius means that long trains and large loco's will not work....... That's ok - I don't want the character of this layout to be trying to get the longest container/wagon trains. In fact I don't think I will have any diesel trains - steam only!
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